How to get rid of the parasites in the body of the man of the folk remedies

Pest Infestations are capable of causing many other diseases and cause serious consequences. This is why a great attention should be paid to prevention. Remedies against parasites for the health of the familyWhen a mild infection of the lesions to be very useful remedies for parasites in the human body, which have less contraindications and side effects than the medication medication.

Tested recipes and recommendations, as to be treated for parasites folk remedies, presented in our article.

The harmful effects and routes of contamination

Helminths are represented by more than 250 different types, some of which do not pass through the full cycle of maturation in the body of the man, but even his presence to inflict significant damage to the body. For its supply of parasites using all organic and mineral substances that fall to us with food.

In addition, an excess of parasites in the body can cause the obstruction of important canals, and cause a hazard to the life of the states of consciousness. The waste products of helminths are able to cause allergic reactions and can cause poisoning of the body. Are not excluded and mechanical damage to the internal organs, in fact, the larvae and the adults move to the inside of our body, literally gnawing his way.

This state of things by default may not be normal, it is therefore necessary all his forces to try to prevent the infection. To do this, it is important to determine and the major pathways of penetration of the larvae and eggs of helminths in the human body.

How can you get the worms:

  1. The more simple and common — dirty hands. During the day, at the touch of hundreds of different objects in the street, in a store or in transit. If it is to maintain the level of hygiene, the infection occurs inevitably.
  2. The lack of processing of meat and fish can also cause an infection of different types of de-worming. All products must undergo sufficient heat treatment. Also when preparing a meal it is important to follow all the rules and the technology, and bad institutions in terms of food and of all it is best to avoid.
  3. On the vegetables and fruits can also be a larvae of parasites. Many species of helminths is well-ripen in the soil and in the human body are in direct contact, either by other products.
  4. Stray and the animals often suffer from parasites. Some are common to man, for others, we become only the intermediate host.
  5. The contaminated water is also often is the cause of the infection. The water from all the sources should necessarily be boiling, not using raw. In addition, a parasitic infection that can lead to swimming, in particular in the closed water body (pond, lake).

Often, the infection occurs by reasons beyond our control. He visited public places, the consumption of dishes of dubious quality in the educational institutions, as well as contact with an infected person or animal.

It is especially difficult to protect themselves from the infection of the child, because toddlers are actively investigating the world, go to the teams and the pitches, the level of hygiene that can not control.

Also children are much more likely to violate rules of hygiene, so that even the most attentive and loving parents are often faced with the consequences of the invasion. Use of the pharmaceutical preparations is not always desirable, therefore, is certainly useful to consider the traditional methods of pest control. They are less toxic and safe for the body, are often used for the prevention of these diseases.

The symptoms of a parasitic infestation

Most people don't know about this "neighborhood", until that helminth parasites might be felt. The main symptoms are manifested notably in the acute phase, in particular during the infection varieties of dishes parasites. In addition, the symptoms increases when a population of worms in the body, when their livelihood is a real threat for the man.

The cheerleaders must have the following symptoms:

Be careful

According to statistics, more than 1 billion people infected by parasites. You can even do not suspect that the victim of parasites.

Determine the presence of parasites in the body easily a symptom - the unpleasant smell from the mouth. Ask close to, it smells if you have the mouth in the morning (before brushing your teeth). If yes, with a probability of 99% you are infected by parasites.

The infection by parasites, causes of neurosis, fatigue, mood swings, in the future, begin and more serious diseases.

In men, the parasites cause: prostatitis, impotence, adenoma, cystitis, sand, kidney stones, and bladder.

In women: the pain and the inflammation of the ovary. Develop fibroid, fibroids, fibrocystic disease of the breast, an inflammation of the adrenal glands, bladder, and kidneys. As well as the heart and cancers.

Just want to prevent, this is no longer need to run to the pharmacy and buy doroguschy drugs that, according to the pharmacists, corrode of all the parasites. Most of the medicines is very inefficient, in addition, they cause damage to the body.

The choice between a salad and a slice of cake

What to do?

  • The change in eating habits. The parasites don't react to the spicy and sour cuisine, but sweet, for them, a real delicacy. In humans can produce a strong surge of flour and confectionery products, but the weight does not change, either, on the contrary, goes away.
  • The sympathy arrangements to feelings of discomfort in the stomach. Patients may be able to the different parts of the abdomen, the chest and even the region under the shoulder blades. The pain may also be characterized differently. In addition, the symptoms of dysbiosis, and digestive disorders. Most patients complain of nausea and loose stool, sometimes constipation and almost always heartburn, belching and flatulence.
  • The deterioration of the general condition. The existence of even small amounts of parasites in the body always causes some physical and psychological problems. The man gets tired faster, feels fresh, even after the rest. In addition, it can show signs of behaviour disorders, sleep disorders, lack of appetite, nervousness.
  • Depending on the condition of the skin and hair, you can also determine the presence of helminths. The necessary nutrients during the formation of our organs, do be inadequate and, therefore, the hair is dull and lifeless, your nails constantly break, and the skin becomes problematic. In addition, frequent at the onset of the rash can also indicate the presence of parasites in the body.
  • The weakening of the immunity. The livelihoods of parasites provides a significant stress for our body, mainly affecting the immune system. Frequent colds and long duration of the recovery period can be a sign of a parasitic infestation.
  • Many types of de-worming lay their eggs around the anus. This is why it may appear itching in this area, in particular fortifying in the night.
Detect the presence of helminths you can the laboratory analyses. The most often explored, for example, kala, if it is one of the most little surveys. A more accurate result will give the scraping on enterobiasis, but it only shows the presence of some species of parasites.

Now more and more of a survey of blood on the menus for the reagents – antibody production which cause unsolicited in our body. Such analyses can make adults and children, a disadvantage is the high cost and the need for treatment in a private clinic. By defining a specific type of "the enemy", can be easier to choose the cure for parasites folk remedies.

Remedies against parasites in the body

The share of these revenues is based on the properties of certain natural substances. The more often it is from plants antiseptic, not only allow us to hunt the worms from the body, but to highlight the toxic substances in their activities.

Ideally, cleansing the body of parasites in the house should be done after consultation with a doctor, and a survey that defines the type of worm. In such cases, the treatment will be effective and safe, Coriander seeds parasitesand together with the basic rules of infection prevention, will become a reliable protection of all kinds of pests.

How to expel parasites from the body remedies:

  • Take three times per day, grinded powder of coriander seeds. Only the portion of the half-teaspoon, don't forget to drink of the spice and a lot of water. After three days of treatment, you can rely on the result. In some cases, the receipt of coriander and continues for up to seven days.
  • The onion of medium size is necessary to grind any suitable for you. After that, she poured a glass of boiled water. To insist, you must, at least 10 minutes, then strain and drink half a cup per day . similar to the infusion to use four days for effective results.
  • Tested a folk remedy for parasites — pumpkin seeds. The substance contained in the darkness of the shell between the core and the outer layer has a strong paralyzing effect on worms. For prevention, you can simply consume raw seeds to your taste. For the treatment of need to eat 50 grams every day to the fasted state (hereinafter also worthwhile to refuse to eat and drink), Pin decoction against parasitesand after two hours of taking a laxative. The treatment lasts until the complete liberation of the parasite.
  • The popular medicine against the parasite often uses the decoction of the pine cones. Prepare her will not be so simple, but it is natural and effective. To do this, you need to uvarov youth bulges on low heat, adding water and removing the foam on the surface. After five to six hours of cooking, the mixture is filtered, add the sugar and leave to cook for about an hour. This syrup uses two tablespoons on an empty stomach. The treatment lasts a week, you can use it for prevention.
  • The cleaning of the parasites in the house are holding the watermelon seeds. For this, they crush the blender and mix with milk (10 parts liquid to one part seed). Drink a glass a day on an empty stomach.
  • The ash from the combustion of wood is also a folk remedy for parasites in the human body. The preparation of the tool lies in the mixture of a teaspoon of honey and a half — ash. To eat every day, morning and evening, by drinking milk.
  • A tea made from the leaves of the forest strawberries also help in the fight against pests in the home. Drink each day, but not more than two weeks, in order not to decrease the efficiency.
  • It is good for the regular consumption of onions and garlic. For the treatment, you can use fresh or garlic juice (5 drops each day), but only in the absence of contraindications.
  • Fresh pomegranate rinds, you can boil and drain (50 grams per 400 ml water). Take half a cup of each day. The carrot seed parasitesLater than 4 hours after ingestion to drink a laxative. In this period, it is better not to eat and don't drink the tool has acted in a more reliable.
  • Shredded cloves (5 grams per cup of boiling water) boil and leave to infuse. The broth is strained, take one teaspoon three times per day.
  • A tablespoon of powdered ginger root infused in a cup of boiling water. Divided into three doses per day.
  • Shredded carrot seeds (1 to 3 grams) to take three times a day, drinking a large volume of liquid.
Very useful regularly use the products that taste. They will also help to cleanse the body of parasites in the house. It may be a lemon, acidic fruit and vegetables, sauerkraut and fresh fruit juices.

The prevention will prevent a serious infection, as well as destroy the parasites. Before the consumption of these products is certainly worthwhile to eliminate the risk of counter-indications, in fact, such a regime is not suitable, small children, pregnant women and patients with diseases of the stomach and liver.

The prevention of the infection

Although the prevention of infection, with an absolute guarantee is almost impossible, we can reduce the risk. To do this, just adhere to simple recommendations, and timely screening and does not perform the chronic diseases.

Methods of prevention:

  1. Maintain a high level of hygiene and to accustom children from childhood to wash their hands several times a day, especially before eating, do not use the foreign individual objects, toys, clothes.
  2. Handle with care all the products, respecting the rules necessary for the cooking. The modern accessories allow you to organize the space in the fridge and the kitchen as well, to minimize the contact of raw foods and cooked dishes.
  3. Continue prevention activities, using the cleaning from parasites folk remedies for all members of the family, as well as pets.
  4. Do not use water and products of dubious quality, as well as eating in questionable establishments.
  5. When purchasing meat and fish, to require the safety of the conclusion.

Remove the parasites from the body means of the population is not so simple, especially if the infection is acute of the leak. In some cases, these diseases require a consultation of control in the hospital environment, therefore, the self-medication will lead to the threat to the health and even the life of a patient.

Relatively easy of pathology, perfectly suitable remedies against parasites. Beside the recipes the safety and efficacy, but it is necessary to know how to get rid of pests in the home correctly. The characteristics of these treatments, as well as tested recipes are presented in our article.